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Registration for Pathway

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Membership Process

Thank you for your interest in joining Pathway Homeschool Co-op. Please make sure you have read through our Parent Handbook. This outlines what we believe as well as how we conduct ourselves while participating in co-op. We will ask that you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. 

1. Fill out your family info below. Remember to click ‘add another child’ for each child that will be attending co-op.

2. When choosing your membership type choose only 1, either Full Year Registration OR Field Trips and Special Events. 

3. After doing so, your application will be submitted for approval.

  • Once approved, you will be given a username and password for access to our website.

  • You will need to sign in to your family account, click on the Profile link.

  • Fill in the forms one at a time and submit them.

4. Pay your Registration dues, and your submit your Background Check (fee $12).

  • Find more information on making payments under the Membership Info tab.

5. Fill out your Background check online with Protect My Ministry.

6.  Once all forms are completed, inlcuding your Background Check, you will be ready to Register your children for classes when registration opens.

If you have any questions that were not covered on the website, please feel free to email them us at [email protected].

Class Registration Priority

Enrollment fills up quickly and will be done in three registration periods, in this priority:

1. Teachers

Teachers donate so much time and effort to help our co-op run smoothly. This is a way that we love to bless them and their families. 

2. Current Members

Current Members in our co-op work in so many facets to carry the load. We are so thankful for them!

3. New Member

New Members bring fresh perspective, gifts and talents. We can’t wait to get to know you more!


Registration Deadlines

All required Payments and Forms need to be completed, and received by Pathway 24 hours prior to your registration.

Once you pick a class, your child is to remain in that class for the remainder of the semester. Changes will be allowed on a case by case basis and only if requested by the teacher or if needed to ensure the best classroom experience for other students.

Our classes will have a max limit of students. This is decided by the teachers and/or classroom size and will be enforced so that all classes will have an appropriate number of students. If you are on a waiting list for a class, you may need to pick something else for that child this semester.

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